Still stressing but trying to cope. . .
O.k., by late yesterday afternoon, I still hadn't heard anything from my job interview of last week so I decided to call and check on things. I spoke to the lady who interviewed me and she said that the clinical director had been out sick all week and they wouldn't be making a decision until she returns. Who knows when that will be!!!!! Anyways, she was very polite to me on the phone and told me that she would keep me informed. AAAARRRRGGGG!!!! (deep breath, deep breath). So I am still stressing but thanks to all you wonderful people *****sponded to my last post and helped me get over that horrible bump in the road, I am coping much better with this than I was a couple of days ago. I had gained 2 lbs within the last week and am pleased to report that this morning, one of those nasty pounds was gone!! Yeah me!!! I am trying to rid our household of all the evil foods and went to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up on healthy fruits and veggies along with some protein bars so that when I feel the urge to snack, the only foods I can reach for are healthy ones. You guys are the best!!! I'll let you know when I hear anything else!
Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!
I can only imagine how stressful all of this is for you, but I'm so proud of you for recognizing when you were falling into destructive behaviors, seeking help, and acting to put yourself back in control. You ARE doing what it takes to ensure your longterm health.
Wishing you continued success in all you do.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145