Mowing the lawn - then and now
It used to be one of my jobs to mow the lawn (it was an attempt at getting more exercise.) Our yard isn't huge...1/3 acre. But it is on quite a slope, and mowing it exhausted me! I would mow the front yard and have to rest for a few hours (or a day) before I could get to the back yard. Then I'd be smoked for days.
Fast forward to this morning. For some reason, Ryan took over the mow the lawn duty this year (which was fine with me!) But...he's been super busy and it's growing so quickly, so this morning I decided there was no reason that I couldn't help out. So, out I went to mow the lawn for the first time since my surgery last Oct. Before I knew it, the front yard was done and I wasn't even breathing hard! So, I kept going! I actually got more energy as I went along because I was so excited that I was able to do it all without a break! Now that it's done, I'm hardly even tired! Wow! I love those accomplishments that are directly comparable to life "before surgery." Just had to share! :)
Fast forward to this morning. For some reason, Ryan took over the mow the lawn duty this year (which was fine with me!) But...he's been super busy and it's growing so quickly, so this morning I decided there was no reason that I couldn't help out. So, out I went to mow the lawn for the first time since my surgery last Oct. Before I knew it, the front yard was done and I wasn't even breathing hard! So, I kept going! I actually got more energy as I went along because I was so excited that I was able to do it all without a break! Now that it's done, I'm hardly even tired! Wow! I love those accomplishments that are directly comparable to life "before surgery." Just had to share! :)
Yeah, I'm sure it will become my job again. :) But I think I'm OK with that! :) Convenient that I waited until halfway through August though, huh? Just a few months to go.
Last month I put on a rucksack that Ryan had in the truck from work. I think it was 60 pounds. I could hardly even stay standing! How in the world did I carry around an extra 100 pounds all day every day?'s much better not lugging around that extra person! :)
Last month I put on a rucksack that Ryan had in the truck from work. I think it was 60 pounds. I could hardly even stay standing! How in the world did I carry around an extra 100 pounds all day every day?'s much better not lugging around that extra person! :)
What a great way to get a good dose of Vit D while you were at it!
Ann and the 'Bean'
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High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
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High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Hey Deb,
Kudos!! Isn't it great to be able to be 'active' and feel wonderful doing it?! I remember dreading so many activities that I now know normal sized people can do easily and take for granted. It's these 'quality of life' WOWs and the health WOWs that really make this journey worth the risk and the ride.
Enjoy your yard work! ;-)
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145