Patients of Dr. Fernandez - quick question
Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!
I remember they brought me scrambled eggs before I left the hospital. I couldn't eat any of it though. I still can't eat spaghetti. The papers Amber gave me after surgery say, pureed diet for the first 3 to 4 weeks. Under the sample menus it says 2 tablespoons browned ,crumbled ground beef or diced chicken, 1/4 cup spaghetti sauce, 1oz. 2% mozzarella cheese. Mix all together, heat and eat. I didn't try that, but I lived on soup and protein drinks for the first few weeks. That is just one of the example menus. It is in the handout that starts with Gastric Bypass Guidelines & Eating Plan. Please note that this is from the packet I got nearly a year ago so they may have changed things.