I'm back.............
since they used boost in the hospital, my mom swears we have to use boost now. I'm adding my protein powder to it and it's not half bad. I get her to stick it in the freezer for about 10 minutes prior to eating it and it makes it much better. I've been adding the unflavored protein powder that was in my assortment. In the cupboard we have chicken broth, beef broth, sugar free popciscles, every flavor of crystal light, my assorted proteins from BE, sugar free jello, vanilla boost, strawberry boost and chocolate boost (all high protein).
My mom is so funny. She went into the china cabinet and has pulled out all this fancy stemware and that's how she serves my protein shakes. I wouldn't exactly call what I'm doing eating but it's an event when my mom does it.
Hope everyone's having a great day.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
But not as impressed as I might be by your belches. Can you belch and say "Mother" at the same time? Or "Budweiser?" My husband can do this and it always tickles me.
You take care, soon it will be us newbies (like me and Shauna) writing in on our first day home from the hospital and WL surgery.