Best laid plans gone awry!!
As all of you know, I have been so looking forward to attending the Raleigh meeting on Saturday to meet all of you wonderful ppl in person. My son was supposed to go back to Wake Forest on 8/14. He has now informed me that he is not going bac****il the 16th as he cannot fit everything in his car and he needs me to drive my van up with his extra stuff. While i know i have to help my kid, i am so disappointed that it will probably be Oct now before i get to Raleigh. The Walk from Obesity is the 20th of Sept and it appears the same date as the Sept meetup. I have been trying to get to Raleigh for at least 3 months and always something. I will see you all soon...just don't know when!
Love you all, Pam
Hey Annie....lmao..rofl!! Do you ever notice how your skin slaps yourself every once in a while? Would rather having flapping and slapping that my old biggers arms! Just wish i could fly with these buggers...that would be awesome!
p.s. already got my walk in this a.m. and now getting my suit on and gonna spend the day in the pool exercising. I need to kick it up a notch and am contemplating joining the Huntersville Fitness and Aquatic Center as we will be closing our pool next month. They have a gym, pool and organized aerobics, etc.
I thought about you a lot today Annie. Started out with a nice walk, came home and vacuumed the pool and then cut the grass and then about 2 hours in the pool with an hour of water aerobics. I should sleep very well tonite! Then took kid out shopping for some more stuff for school like a memory foam for his bed and odds and ends!
I am pooped!
Take care PAM