OT: Update on job interview
Hello all. Thanks for all the well wishes on my job interview on Thursday. I don't know anything yet. The lady who interviewed me said they would make a decision by the middle of next week. The only thing I do know is that they only interviewed 3 other people so I think that is a good thing. The less competition the better for me!!! I am highly qualified for the position based on what we discussed and she did ask me for 3 personal references while I was there so I took that as a good sign also. She did state that they will let me know either way what they decide. As soon as I hear something I will definitely let everyone know. So keep those prayers coming for me! Thanks guys!
Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!
Here's hoping you got it!
Ann and the 'Bean'
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!