X Post - Protein water
I see a lot of folks on here who mention drinking protein water. That stuff is SOOO expensive. For $2 you can get a 3 oz. protein bullet at Walmart with 26 grams of protein and divide it between as many bottles of water as you want and get as much protein as you want. Unfortunately the only flavor they have at my WalMart is fruit punch and even diluted it tastes like cough syrup. Instead I get the 3 oz liquid protein from GNC (same type container, 42g of protein), for $3 and I can get the orange that I love and divide it among more bottles. It gives my water a very subtle orange flavor. I also don't see that it says to refrigerate after opening. I prefer my water room temp now, instead of icey, so I mix up as many bottles as I want and put them in the fridge, but take them out to come to room temp before I want to drink it. If your REALLY want extra protein, like to include it in your water instead of those thick icky shakes, and aren't "made of gold", give it a try.
I also have discovered that any of those canned protein drinks (EAS, Slim Fast, etc), that always tasted so awful to me - If I "cut" them with some ho****er I like them lots better. Again, a more subtle flavor, not thick, much more appealing to me. And I like my drinks warm now. I discovered this some time ago when I had a "stuck" episode and was advised to stick with liquids for 24 hours, and wanted to be sure I was getting all of the protein I needed.
I cook with it a lot. I put vanilla Isopure Whey Protein in my cream of wheat, oatmeal, etc. I make banana snack cookies with it. This way I can avoid drinking the shakes all the time.
If you like that "water down taste" you should try the Atkins Advantage pre-made protein shakes. They are a little expensive, but I buy them for my "traveling days" when I take coolers with me to make sure I have my snacks and such. I made the mistake 1 day of not having it with me. All I had was 1 bottle of water in an 8 hour period. I passed out. I won't do that again!
I really like the protein powder that I bought thru Curves - vanilla flavored and I add some frozen fruit - 1/2 of a banana or frozen strawberries or blueberries and about 1 tsp of SF, FF pudding mix. It is really good and look forward to having them again after surgery. I initiated my own pre-op diet of liquids last Wednesday in preparation for my appt on this Wednesday with the surgeon.
I also have found that warm liquids seem to satisfy me better than cold. Like broth and warm V8.
Grammylew - why does your post show up with *** in the middle of a word. Sorry, I can't figure out what the word is supposed to be...
Grammy-first off, which Gym do you attend? Secondly, I hate thick drinks like the shakes, etc. I, too, prefer clear drinks. I go to GNC and go to the ready made Isopure drinks, $4 for 42 oz. and dilute that. Same concept as your bullets, but maybe a different variety of flavors for you. And now we're in our sale days of GNC! Boy, maybe we should all storm GNC Tuesday and give them something to think about! LOL. Their thoughts would be priceless. Oh, also, I too, being a bander drink warmer liquids. I've found that the cold makes it contract and getting stuck on clear liquids is no fun! See you Tuesday night!!
Of course they put those ***'s in when they think you are writing a naughty word like "****tail" sauce. Or if two words (the end of one and the front of the next can make a naughty word, like "pani****il". I see no ***'s in my post, so not sure what they objected to in it.
Nancy, I go the gym on New River Air Station. All the same equipment I was using at Courts Plus but it is FREE!!!!! Open at 5 AM weekdays (I'm usually there when they open, and there is me and maybe 2 others). But not til 10 on Sat and 12 on Sun. Those days I do my Wii, or take a day off.
Yes, I'll see you tomorrow night. We went to lunch today and almost did Logan's but I remembered I can have their ribs tomorrow. Settled for Captian D's.
Thanks for the suggestions girls! Wish I could join tonight but work work work, hey I have an idea, why don't ya'll have a meeting in the lunchroom at my dispatch center... lol! Yeah I could see that happening! Hopefully I can come next month... Miss ya all!