Just curious....
I can totally relate. I have two girls (2 and 8) and I worry constantly about them being fat only because I was for SO LONG. My husband was a skinny child and is still very proportionate. He does not understand either what it is like to be fat.
My 2 year old is especially pudgy and I worry so much about her. I just wanted you to know that I do relate. :)
My 2 year old is especially pudgy and I worry so much about her. I just wanted you to know that I do relate. :)
Thanks Jennifer thats good somebody can relate....my daughter is 18 months and is in the top 90% of her weight. She is a little chunky. Which I hate saying and I really hate when someone comments on how chubby or chunky she is....I dont know why it just irks me I just smile and walk away. I feel like they are making fun of her. Even if my husband is talking to her and says something about her thighs or something I tell him not to bc once she gets old enough to understand what he is saying that is going to stick with her and eventually down the road its going to hurt her. So he understands not to do that. Thanks again
Amanda, You might want to check out the tools on Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty website. Even though a lot of it is geared toward adolescent girls, it can still give you a lot of great ideas to use as your daughter is growing up. I especially enjoyed reading through the Mother's Guide. (Since I gave the link to it, I'll refrain from sharing some of the GREAT information!)
One of the most powerful things we can do is lead by example. As you work on your eating habits, self esteem, and confidence, it is only bound to rub off on those around you!
{{{Big hugs}}} to a GREAT mom and a precious daughter!
One of the most powerful things we can do is lead by example. As you work on your eating habits, self esteem, and confidence, it is only bound to rub off on those around you!
{{{Big hugs}}} to a GREAT mom and a precious daughter!