Surgery Friday and I'm very scared!!!
Can you all please say a little prayer for me on Friday at 1:00pm? I would really appreciate it!
Too blessed to be stressed!
The 1st three months are the hardest They where for me, But after that hun you are good to go!!!
Good Luck and God Bless
Too blessed to be stressed!
Funny, I have not had any discomfort at all with sipping/swallowing, and I'm really trying to keep it slow...I have a hard time b/c I'm so thirsty. Maybe being tolerant of foods now is the payoff for being dealt a bad hand in the pain dept! LOL!
Just don't let yourself get too backed up in pain,,,take the pain meds as soon as they'll let you.
I'm not far from Stallings...I live in Western Anson county, so if you need somebody, I can be there pretty quickly!
((((HUGS))) and hang in there! You'll do great!
Thanks so much!!! I'm glad I at least know "where" the pain is...You really aren't that far from me at all. I'm so glad you found the pain meds that work for you. Can you have pureed foods? What are you eating or should I say drinking? Can you tolerate protein shakes? Are you able to get up and around yet? I'm wishing you fast and problem-free recovery!!! Again, THANK YOU!!!
Too blessed to be stressed!
The pain for me was on my right side where my blake darin was. But it only bothered me for 2 days and after that it was only soreness.
Drinking does not hurt or really feel different. Eating feels the same except for now fullness feels like very mild pressure between or just below my breast. Hunger causes my to feel nauseous. So then I know I really need to eat. But if I eat small amounts every 3 hours no problem.
just be sure and drink--sip, sip, sip and move as much as possible.
You'll do great.
What another poster has already said is very important. You need to concentrate on sipping and walking your first week or so. The liquids are important for hydration/nutrition. The walking, while painful, will greatly reduce the severity and amount of time you are in more acute pain. Short term it hurts to get up and down but long term it will decrease the amount of time you spend in pain.
Take care and good luck. We will pray for you on Friday.