Hallelujah!!! I'm pain-free!!!!

After getting an Rx for oxycodone yesterday....an absolute miracle happened....I don't hurt anymore!!! Woohoo! I mean, yeah, still the little stitches and aches, but not the mega-momma but whuppin' pain I was feeling before! Whew!
Just wanted to let y'all know and to THANK YOU all....my NC OH forum family....you guys are the best!
Oh, Lisa, I am sooo glad! Oxycodone is what I have been given after every surgery I've had and I have a script for it to take for my sciatica when I need it, which is about once a week. My only problem is that my face itches when I take it! But, the pain relief is so good, it's worth the itch.
Enjoy the relief!

I'm so glad that you have finally come 'round the bend and that the pain is gone ... I'm sorry you are still uncomfortable, but I know that discomfort is managable. You've riden the roughest part of the rapids ... You'll be fine from here on out ... might hit a few rocky patches, but not anything you won't be able to handle.
Take care and rest easy,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
LOL!!!! I knew I shouldn't have posted this....you won't believe it, but my FOOT is killing me! I'm betting that I started feeling so good, I overdid the walking around and standing up, and now I"m paying for it...UGH! Magic pills helping a little, but not as much as I'd like.....
Blast....should've knocked on wood first!
Blast....should've knocked on wood first!