10 year WLS Success Statistics both frightening and comforting
I went to the monthly support group meeting that DukeWLS holds. I often glean bits of information that help me when I go to these meetings. This month they shared some statistics that I found both frightening and comforting.
* They said that in studies that look at WLS patients 10 years post op, it looks like about 10% will gain back everthing that they lost.
* And an additional 10% will regain a significant amount of their excess weight, so much that they no longer classify them as successful WLS patients.
That means that 20% of all weightloss patients will suffer a significant regain! OMG!!! That's a terrifying thought! But, I also found some comfort here, because this means that there is an amazing 80% success rate. They said that the studies also seem to indicate that structural failure is now very rare, instead, the failure seems to be behavioral. I find this to be both frightening and comforting;
* frightening because I know that my behaviors are part of what got me into the mess I was in when I had the surgery and
* comforting because I know that I ultimately have control over my behavior and since my WLS I have made significant changes in choices I make in my life.
I have acknowledge that it is necessary to my longterm success for me to be ultimately accountable to myself on a daily basis. I log my intake and activity so that I am aware of the choices I'm making and the ulitmate impact of those choices. I participate in activities that support healthy choices and actions. I also work on examining my behaviors to try to identify and manage issues that are dangerous to my long term success and health.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
That is scarry and exciting as 80% are successful. Did they give any statistics for those that continue to interact with support groups? One of the reasons i am on here every day (besides loving all of you) is for the awesome support from everyone that helps keep me on the straight and narrow. I realize I can't be perfect every single day but try to follow as close as i can. While my friends and family are extremely supportive, there is no way they can give me the support of my fellow WLS friends.
Thanks as always for the info. It makes us see reality and know that we have to work to be part of the successful and that the surgery isn't a magic wand that cures obesity.
Hi Pam,
Actually, they did say that those who make 'lifestyle' changes that include becoming accountable for what you do, becoming physically active and staying active with support groups are much more likely to achieve a better initial weight loss and to maintain that loss in the long term.
I think that you are definitely looking at the 80%! Keep up the good work.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Right back at ya!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Sadly I am one of those 10%ers. I am coming back to the computer for the first time in years. I am hoping that support groups and being able to talk with others will help me make the life changes I needed. The surgery wasn't the hard part, it is ONLY a tool.. It is the life changes that will make your journey successful!!! Before surgery I was 315, and loaded with health problems. I got down to 189, but now I am at 262 and some health problems are coming back. My downfall was a Major Depressive Episode. Today is the first day that I am working on pulling myself out of this. I am out of the bed for the first time in months and I am in the living room with my family!!! This may not sound like much, but for me it is a giant step. I WILL get back to where I need to be!
Just remember to work your programs, and don't give up! There is always HOPE!! Anyhoo, thanks for listening. Your post was exactly what I needed to see!
Cathy in Haw River
I'm delighted that you are here and I hope that I'll get to meet you in person some time. I hold a monthly support group that meets in Raleigh the 3rd Saturday of every month and you are always welcome to join us. We have pre-op, new post-ops, and veterans from a variety of programs and surgery types. We also have some members who have experienced significant regain and are successfully getting the regained weight off.
I truly understand the issues surrounding major depression and it's something that seriously concerns me because I personally suffer from debiblitating severe clinical depression myself. Sometimes it's better than others, but it's a constant struggle. I know that it contributed to my inability to care for myself in the past and I worry about how it may impact my longterm success.
Realize that you have made a HUGE step forward in taking care of your depression and your weight. You are making progress. I hope that you will continue to get up and go into the family room. Go outside and go for a walk and water the flowers. I know it's much harder to do than anyone might know, but you can do it for you and for your family. You will take your life back one small step at a time.
If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Wishing you continued success,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145