Thanks for attending the Greenville WLS Meet-Up!
I'm so glad you and Donna could make it! I can see that you have lost some weight even if you can't! It will continue to "roll off" just as you want... keep up the good work girl!
Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Hey everyone!!
It was so nice meeting all of you today!!. Mindy, thanks for organizing this. I cant wait until the next one.
You ladies(and gents) look amazing !!!!! inspirations !!!!
Andrea- special thanks to you for helping me understand this process a little more. hope you dont mind if i bug you with more questions..and recipes !!!!!
I just ordered my Optisource online from Walgreens ---- FREE SHIPPING !!!!!!!!!!
((((HUGS)))) to you all !!!
PS- anyone heard from Donna/Wilson? she was suppose to be there as well and i havent heard from her *sigh* i hope shes ok
2 wks Pre-Op (started Atkins)/Surgery Day/Current/Goal
I like the comment that Andrea made in an earlier post about her life being an open book - it seems the bypass patients that I've met up until now fall into 2 categories - open books or the ones who deny having had wls. I've always taught my boys to live their lives as if it were an open book. I just really felt like I'd known all of yall for years. The success of us pre-ops is so much more because you guys are so willing to share your journeys with us.
Thank you for all that you do - Melinda the meet up was fantastic. I can't wait to go again. Who knows maybe will have to organize out own little caravan to go crash one of Barb's Raleigh meetings.
Best of luck to everyone this week - make it wonderful.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4