Little update and some questions.....
I had to violate protocol and use some SF pudding to help get the meds down, but I figure it's better to cheat that little bit so i could get some pain relief. I don't eat the whole cup, but probably use a cup all day long to chase the meds with.
How much fluid should I be taking in?Today, I had two 16.9 oz bottles of water, 8oz herbal tea with some unflavored Unjury (could still smell the protein, though...ugh!), and about 5 blessed SF popsicles. Some say concentrate on fluids and don't worry about protein right that right? 'cause it sure is easier to get fluids in than anything remotely smelling/tasting like protein. They are SO right that this surgery changes your smeller/taster! DH came inside from the yard and nearly made me vomit with his B.O, I made him take a shower! protocol is clear liquids for week one. Now, this is dumb, but is that one week from day of surgery or one week after discharge? I think full liquids will let me get much more protein in.
Next. This does not alarm me, b/c it's happened before after surgery. My feet are so swollen, I got on the scale just to "check things out"...I know, i know...bad girl....and I've GAINED 25 pounds since the morning of surgery! I know it will flush out one day, and I am keeping up the fluids for this reason, but dang!
Can i drink water too fast without knowing it? I am so darn thirsty all the time, and can sip some water down pretty well....constantly sipping without taking a break...or should I be sipping an ounce and waiting a while? It seems unless I'm constantly drinking, my thirst is never satiated.
Is there anything else I can have the first week, like diluted fruit juice or no sugar ADDED popsicles? The "chemical flavor" is starting to wear on me a little, and some plain old fruit based pops would be so good.
I know there's more, but one other thing.....I want to talk to people on the phone, but it is very hard for me. I sound like the kid in the wheelchair on "Malcolm in the Middle"! Really... It's the main reason I haven't called some of you sweet gals who've given me your numbers....It's not that I'm unappreciative, it's that talking on the phone exhausts me! I sit here an type and breathe deeply with no problem, Talking for long periods of time gets me a little short of breath. I know I"m ok, b/c my sister's pulse oximeter is here and I'm at 92%....just want to keep the saturation up, know what I mean?
All in all, I think I"m beginning to see the light, but that tunnel is still lookin' pretty long! And when I get up from here and wince with pain, I'll wish I hadn't typed that, but steps better. I don't think I will be tap dancing for several more weeks, though! LOL!
Thank you guys so much....I dont' think I would have survived without you!
I'd say from day of surgery.. but geez, that's kinda up to your doc.
You can drink water too quickly.. but since your stoma is just an open hole, most of tha****er will flush right out of your pouch.
The more liquids you do get in, the faster that 25lbs will disappear (salt from the iv's collect in the blood and hold fluids).
Hey Lisa:
What type of protein are you drinking. I did the protein bullets as only 3 ounces and 42 g of protein and i drank 1/2 at a time. Glad your pain level is getting more tolerable. Do not try the no sugar added popcicles or fruit bars as they have natural sugar and may cause dumping. Would hate to see that happen to you as from what i hear, it is horrible. Have u done the sugar free jello...that was pretty tolerable or chicken broth?
Hope you keep improving and fast!
Thanks for being there for me, sweetie!
Hi Lisa,
I'm glad you are doing better. I'm so sorry that you've had such a rough ride, but I promise it will all be worth it.
Each Dr and program has their own protocol, but I would venture to say that the program I had with Duke is probably one of the strictest and I'll tell you what I was allowed ... I doubt that it would conflict with what you are allowed to do ... many can do more, but I've never heard of any more strict. Soooo, SF popcicles are definitely your friend. I also did very well with Crystal Lite, it was a different kind of sweet than the protien shakes.
I was told that they first and most important thing to get in was the fluids. It sounds like you are doing pretty well in that area. Generally, they want you to try to get in 64 ounces a day, but it may take a while before you get there. On the other hand, remember that pretty much everything you are injesting right now is fluid, your water, your popcicles, even that nasty protien stuff.
They said that they next most important thing to injest is protien because your body needs it to repair itself. Soooo, as best you can, get in as much as you can. Again, this is usually something that gets better with time so to the best you can to hit the targets that your Dr set for you, but know that that they also know it's process.
Finally, they said that the next most important thing were the prescribed supplements and pain meds. I know, pain meds move to the top of our list, but you do want to try and get the prescribed supplements in as best you can. Again, what they prescribe at this point really can vary from program to program, so just follow their Rx.
While early on I was like you and ultra sensitive to smells, it does get better over time. It's almost like your body knows is under assault and is doing all it can to protect itself right now. Eventually, your sense of taste and smell should normalize.
Try not to worry about the excess weight gain that comes with surgery. This too shall pass ... quite literally. Be sure to stay hydrated so that you can flush that saline solutions that are causing you to retain fluids. Also be sure to walk as much as you can because that will help your body flush the fluids as well.
I'm not sure if this is the case for you, but I found that I had more 'discomfort' getting up and down, than I did actually walking ... Try pressing a pillow across your abdomen as you rise and sit. This seems to distribute the stress and relieve much of the discomfort. If you can, try to walk at least every hour that you are awake ... I tried to go ahead and do it when I had to get up to go to the bathroom since I already had to be up and around anyway.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Thanks again! You are a treasure!
Glad to see you posting and to hear your doing a bit better. When I got dischaged I was given a pillow just for people who had RNY to hold against the left side of my body and press it tight so I wouldnt pass out while getting up and down. I know your very thirsty, but you could get sick if you drink your water too fast. just keep your mug filled and sip, sip, sip. Im not a doctor but usually your feet swell from inactivity, I know it hurts but try to do some walking around your house, the more you walk the faster things will get moving and get healed for you. The weight gain from surgery was from all that IV fluid they gave you. It will dissapear REALLY fast. Best of luck to you and keep your chin up!!
Everyone's program is different, of course, but my doctor says 60 ounces of fluid/day and 60 grams of protein/day (and I think they've up'd that to 80-100 grams/day now). It is HARD in the beginning to get in all of that protein, but do your best. Add protein powder to your drinks and such, like it sounds like you're doing, and you'll do okay, but it'll still be hard to hit the 60.
Sip ALL day long -- it'll take all day for most people to get it in in the beginning. If you drink too fast, you'll feel the water bubble up in the back of your throat, and you can even get "foamies" if you drink it too fast (it's happened to me).
Your voice will get better, and the taste in your mouth will change. Mine was nasty for a few days and then went away miraculously. I think it has to do with the ketosis we go through in the beginning.
Oh, for protein ... I added unflavored protein powder to chicken broth (clear liquid), too, and that really helped. Also beef broth. And sugar-free popsicles like they have at Walmart (twin pops) are fantastic. They're only about 3 oz of fluid, but they do add up, and they feel good on your throat and give you a sense of "chewing", too.
You're retaining all those IV fluids, plus your body is trying to hold onto what it has the best way it can right now with all the trauma it's gone through. It'll drop soon enough. And it'll be fantastic to see it go! Keep drinking your fluids and do what exercise you can do, too, and it'll drop quickly. My doc recommends 60 minutes of walking/day (1/2 hr twice a day at least), even the first day home from the hospital). He's kinda tough on us. lol

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Add me as a friend on Facebook: Dena Waskiewicz
Starting weight: 297 / Goal weight: 140's / Current weight: 138-143
Lap RNY 3/12/2007 ~ Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck 7/12/2010