Please...I hurt so bad...could really use a kind word or two...
I was lucky to have a great nursing staff. I probably encountered 20 nurses and aides during my time at REX in Raleigh and only 1 was bad, the others were great and several of them were exceptional. Sorry to hear about your experience.
Hang in there it will get better. Focus on the future and how much better you're going to feel when you get the weight off.
Take care.
Keep us posted, we're looking forward to cheering you on.
Take care.
As bad as it tastes, I would keep up with the anti-nausea and pain meds every 4hrs round the clock. Don't wait till your starting to feel pain then go thru the suffering and waiting for the meds to kick in. Get yourself through the first 5 or so days this way...that's what I did and it helped ALOT! You might sleep more but it's better than dealing with the pain! JMO
Best Wishes!
Didn't you know that we don't have flamers on the NC forum ;-). Seriously, I doubt that anyone would ever pass judgement on another regarding pain issues. Pain is an incredibly personal, subjective issue for each person. If you are hurting, you are hurting. I doesn't matter what others might think. When I was sent home, I was sent with an Rx for Oxycontin which are very small and wonderfully powerful little pills. They were a welcome relief to the discomfort of the driive home and several other occasions.
I am so very sorry that you are having a rough ride right now. Please contact your Dr's office if you are unable to manage the liquid loratab or need any additional support. Please don't worry that it's after office hours, just make sure that you get the support you need. Also be sure to get up and walk every hour that you are awake and sip, sip, sip; these things are so important to ensure that you stay hydrated and ward off the possibility of a pulmonary embolism.
I hoping that your recovery is speedy and much gentler.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I don't know why my doc still seems to think that NO pills, not even small ones are to be allowed...I SWEAR I am not taking them for fun and giggles, that's for sure! It seems that everybody's so concerned about people becoming addicted, that it keeps people who need pain relief from getting it.
But you live and you learn....I'm hanging in there as best as I can...but jealous of those of you who had surgeons that would try anything to make you comfortable.
Love you all, and thanks so much!
We;re all pulling for you, Sweetie!