Lisa (Mommy2C)?
Shauna, thank you so much for caring! The doctor's fellow just came in and said I could go home, and I about kissed his feet!!! I mean, I think at this point I would get better care at home. I got my foley out this morning AFTER a big shot of Lasix................then got tangled up in all these dang wires, and ended up having to pee in the trash can!!! Yikes! I think the nurses votes got me out of here.... BP is back up, turns out I was never leaking bile, that it was the drain that was making it leak, and once they got it more leaks! Plus, they weren't sure what kind of BP meds I was taking, so of course once I got the diiurectic I needed, I got better, My pulse ox was 92 after being off oxygen for several hours. Scared the mess out of me, but Iknow when this experience fades, I'll be glad I did it. Hopefully I'lll be outta here soon!
I'm glad you were able to come on line, we were all getting a bit worried... I'm glad you're feeling better, that you weren't leaking bile and your BP is under control. Peeing in the trash can, boy oh boy,I remember having to pee so bad and the nurse not coming and not coming, so I also tried to get out of bed myself - she came running when all my monitors started screaming and I was crying... But dang I didn't think about the trash can, that would have been a good idea!
Anyway, I'm glad you're recovering and were able to check in with us worry warts!
I'm glad you were able to come on line, we were all getting a bit worried... I'm glad you're feeling better, that you weren't leaking bile and your BP is under control. Peeing in the trash can, boy oh boy,I remember having to pee so bad and the nurse not coming and not coming, so I also tried to get out of bed myself - she came running when all my monitors started screaming and I was crying... But dang I didn't think about the trash can, that would have been a good idea!
Anyway, I'm glad you're recovering and were able to check in with us worry warts!