T - 3 and Counting
If you get your pets to clean up after themselves, PLEASE let me know . I've got 3 dogs I'll send to you for training. My black lab has decided that he needs to shed again - UGHHHHH..........Good luck with surgery.
- Iris
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Shelli, TWO more days now! Woohoo! :) Do tell where you are getting the yummy recipes please and enjoy catching up on your sleep. That's a good way to help pass the time. ;) So is cleaning house...and you'll be so thankful when you get back home. Not much longer...can you believe you'll be "coming home" soon?! New and improved life, just around the bend! :)