I guess the realization ha**** that this is going to happen and Im freaking a little. I have been waiting for this for so long and now Im flipping out. I just need to calm down and think about the good things that are going to come out of this. I just wish I could get rid of all the doubt.
Let me know if I can help you in any way,

08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
You've done your homework on this and in the course of chosing WLS you've read the good, the bad and the ugly - your doubts are normal. For me, it's a case of getting my head and my heart to work together. Deep down in my heart I feel like this is what I've waited my whole life for - this is where I'm waiting in the wings about to take center stage. My head is a little more apprehensive - it's going along with it BUT - what if I fail once again, this time everyone is watching, this might be my last hope. yada yada yada.
I've said all this to make one single point - you're not alone. I'm right there with youu as well as a whole board full of folks here. Focus on your healthy future.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
This is sooooo normal and very common. If you look at my profile, you'll find my own musings about this. Not only are you looking at undergoing a major surgical procedure with all of the risks and discomfort that such a thing entails, but you are also getting ready to make some irrevocable changes that will change your life forever. That's really huge. Even though it will change your life forever in very positive ways, it's still pretty scary when you realize that once you take this step you can't change your mind or decide never mind it's too hard. You have to keep going, but isn't that the reason that we're doing this. We've all tried to lose the weight before. Many of us have lost at least some of it ... over, and over, and over ... only to have it return ... over, and over, and over. We are doing this so that we have the best chance of losing not just some, but hopefully all of it, once and for all. But that entails huge changes; physical and psychological and that can be pretty heady, scary stuff.
All of that said, you'll be able to look at yourself and know if you really are ready to make the commitment to yourself to change your life for the better.
Wishing you a safe and peaceful journey.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
My fear has nothing to do with the difficulties I may face after the surgery but rather the surgery itself. I am always afraid of not waking up after the surgery. I have that fear now and other surgeries that I have had in the past. But guess what, I have always woken up. So I keep reminding myself that I have had those same fears before and everything is okay. I just kid my co-workers at work and tell them that if something does happen to me; to please come in to work and make sure my office is organized and squared away, because I d*** sure don't won't to hear my boss sucking her teeth saying how unorganized I was. :) Just a little humor in the a.m.
Seriously, it is going to be okay and I think it's normal to have some fears. Look at some of our mentors here on the website. I am sure they at one time felt the same way and look how happy they are. If you didn't read some of their profiles, you'd never know that at one time they too were scared. Fast forward, you too will be someone's mentor and providing that same support that they are giving us. Take care and good luck! Angie