Today is dedicated to all who are looking into WLS
This morning I am up walked and fed the fur and feathered babies.
Have had my Dessert protien shake and my coffee.
Have recorded my walk and my food intake.
Going to go do 45 minutes on the treadmill.
Run some errands and then come home eat lunch and workout some more.
It's good to do these every once in a while.. helps us remember where we were Pre-WLS!
Truthfully if I hadn't had RNY I probably wouldn't be alive now... I no longer have type II diabetes, high blood pressure, extremely high cholestrol, chest pain, uncontrolled asthma, acid reflux, hypertention, leg & back pain and some other things I know I'm leaving out... I still have allergies and asthma that aren't weight related, but the asthma is nothing compared to what it used to be. I haven't had an attack in years (crossing my fingers now that I said that out loud - lol) I have a whole new attitude on life and live every day thankful for this gift!!!!!!
Have a great day girl! I took my Nephews to an art class at the local museum for the day. I have to finish laundry then go take a nap so I'll be awake for work tonight. My Sister will have the boys tonight and tomorrow so I'll have some peace and quiet for a little while.... whew.
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
Hi Annie,
It's always great to see your posts. I'm just now able to check the board and my day is done.
I've cleaned the house and prepared the guest room with fresh linens and flowers for a visit from my niece. I took my mother to the bank, drug store and grocery store. I took some time to have lunch with Sarah. I spoke with Sarah's High School counselor. Then I took my mother to meet with the workman who is rehabing her rental property. From there we rushed off to Sarah's PT appointment. Then I went to see Sarah's surgeon to see about some of her durable medical equipment and determine what she needs to be doing re: PT. Then I contacted the insurance about some of mountains of medical bill. I took Sarah to the healthclub and she and I swam laps for about an hour and then took a dip in the hot tub. Once we got home I did I quick bit of straightening up, called my neice to check on her arrival before dashing out to a WLS support group meeting at Duke. After the support group meeting, Ben and I stopped for dinner. When we got home from dinner, we visited with my niece and Sarah and I helped my mom prep for her procedure tomorrow. I'm going to sign off soon because I need to have my niece at the airport at 5am and then I'm going to work on my Mom's house in the morning before I take her out to Duke for a 2 pm appointment for her tests that will run until 6pm tomorrow. I guess I'll go for a walk whie she's having her tests done so that I can get some exercise in tomorrow.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
OMG that is some energy you have there LOL
Actually today they are going to put in my moms pacemaker I did not find out till late yesterday afternoon.
I am up walked G & A and had to get on that scale this morning LOL I have lost 5lbs since Saturday so 4 more to go to where I was before my gain.
I figured out what I was doing wrong and that was the most important thing was I was not recording my intake.
The food I am pretty sure got me in trouble was the tasty cheese straws at HT I was just looking mainlly at the carbs and not anything else and a serving was two straws.
No more cheese straws for me well Zenny liked them too LOL
I have boughts some red grapes,rainer cherries, and carrots to snack on.
Yes I am counting out a serving.
Wish me luck today things are going to be stressful for a few days.
Good Luck with your mom and the doctor and her house stuff
I really look forward to the day when I can run up and down the stairs (maybe even with a basket of laundry) and not sweat profusely or need to sit down and rest afterwards. When I can park my car in our (small) garage and not have to negotiate how I'm going to get out of the car. When I can run around with my kids at Carowinds in my purple bathing suit and not look like Barney.
Erika - DS in 2008 - SW 162, LW 131 (2009), CW 160
Keep making those lists of all of those things that you want to do and keep it nearby. It's amazing how all of those little and big things add up as you are released from the bondage of the extra weight we are carrying around. I think I had over a hundred big and little goals and I'm delighted to say that I've acheived just about everything on the list ... I just don't have a body like a 25 year old athlete, but hey ... you can't have everything! ;-)
Your life is about to change in some small and specatucular ways.
Welcome to the NC Board!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145