Having one of them days *venting*
I just talked to my bf who is a marine and in iraq! One of his good friends died... this is his 30th friend that has died in the 3 times he has been in iraq!! I feel so bad bc im home happy bc I laid out and went swimming and went shopping and went out on the 4-wheeler... and he is stuck over there hurting and i cant give him a hug! I no he loves me with all his heart and that makes it even harder! bc i need him so much with stress of wanting my surgery to hurry up! Ive learn to keep myself busy... all i can think about is my surgery and when he comes home we finally move into the home we brought! My dogs finally get there diddy back lol! Im just ready for my life to get back to normal... bad part is i have to do this surgery alone bc he wont be back into Oct! and that is stressing him out bc he cant be here and he hates me in pain!
ok ok let me shut up whinning!
sorry i had to vent!
ok ok let me shut up whinning!
sorry i had to vent!
Feel free to vent away!! My husband who is also a Marine was just deployed to Djibouti, Horn of Africa on Monday and it feels like hes been gone for 10 years....he is also hot, tired, worn out, stressed out and wanting to come home but hes stuck till late February. Do you live in Jacksonville? haev you got a date yet?
I'm sorry for your bf's loss! I will keep him (and you) in my thoughts and prayers! I work on base and it's hard seeing the marines leave, but I know it's just as hard on the family they leave here, I hope it goes quickly for you, I know you're keeping busy and that's the best thing to do in my opinion. You won't be going through WLS alone, we're here for you (I'm in the Jacksonville area) if you need someone to be with you, just ask! I work weird hours but if I'm able I'll be there to help you when/if you need me. If for nothing else but the support and prayers we all need! We are a tight group on here! Know we're here for you and you can vent/lean on us any time!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
Go right ahead and vent! We will lend an ear , or a shoulder, whatever is needed. This has got to be very hard for your BF. Be strong. I know you want to comfort each other. My son is on his third tour in Iraq, and none of us really know what they are going through. We can only be there for them when they need us, by phone, e-mail and in person when they get back. Stay strong.