Revision is tomorrow....
Oh Mike, you will do fabulously!
I am such a “hard knock kid” I always tell our patients that I have to trip over a rock and fall down a cliff before I learn ANYTHING. (hello, I got married at 27!)
You know soooooo much about weight loss surgery now, this is just the boost you need (and so did I!) you will do so well.
Eating correctly and exercising is so hard for ppl like me (maybe you too) that I feel like I cheated myself the first time. I know I had an anatomical reason to have surgery (as you do) but DEEEEEEEP down, I know I didn’t follow all the rules I should have.
Good luck doll, all my thoughts and prayers will be with you and Nae Nae (as Dr. V likes to call her) and my hopes and dreams (even for myself) will be with you forever.
Love you MEAN it.