OT Hubby is gone
I am so proud of all the people in the military that go and do what they do so we can live they way we want to live. Thank you for standing by him even if it is difficult with the sadness and worry that is such a big part of it. The good news is they always come home and are very happy to see you when they do.
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Oh my dear friend Darcie! I am so sad to hear this news. It just came up on us so sudden, didn't it? Seemed like it was months away and already he is gone. The two of you are such a team, I can only imagine the hole you are feeling in your life right now. I know you are a strong woman, but that doesn't mean our pain is any less than it is for the weak ones. I feel for your pain and wish I could help you bear it. For both your sakes. I so admire the two of you! Any time I can be of help, PLEASE don't hesitate to reach out to me!
So sorry to hear abou hubby's deployment. Hopefully wou will be able to keep yourself busy. I know it won't make your heart feel better but pehaps it can make it a tad easier of you.
I agree with everyone else that it is a great thing that all the military men do for us. I am in awe of the job they choose and the sacrificies they make in having to be away from their loved ones for us and our freedoms.
Take care and stay strong!
I echo the sentiments of those who have posted before me ... I truly appreciate the sacrafice that you and your dear husband are making for all of us.
We are here for you as you have been for us ...
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I'm sorry your hubby had to go and I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers for sure! Along with all the others over there. Working on base brings it all close to home for me, I get attached to one of them and then they're leaving... UGH! Anyway, Keep us posted on what's going on when he sends those messages please and let him know we're thinking about him! Let me know if I can help you in any way, even if it's just to go out for some coffee or something... I'm still banned from skating... lol!!! Lean on us, we're here for you!
Take care,