Checking in
Just checking in....I am in Florida. It is supposto' be a vacation at my Mom's spare house........beautiful with a pool! But, my Grandmother fell a couple of weeks ago and has dementia or alzheimers and is in asstd. living, and so is my Grandfather now since she was the one taking care of him. He's 89 and she is 85 and they can no longer be alone. Something told me that it is time to see them. They have changed in the last 6 years since they stood up for us at our wedding. I feel so terrible but all I can offer is my love and my time. I put smiles on their faces today and listened to them, over and over and over again. It was very hard to leave and explain to my crying grandmother why I can't take her with me. I am thankful they are comfortable and safe though. That's the main thing I need to remember. Tomorrow I will go to the cemetary to visit my Dad's grave.
I plan to leave here Thursday morning and be home Thursday night. My dogs miss me, lol. So.....I just wanted to check in and say hi, I'm trying to be good eating-wise on vacation but key lime pie IS a speciality here, lol. At least I'm spacing out this piece over 3 days and swimming laps to burn it off, lol.
Hi Nancy,
It's great to hear from you and I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I'm so sorry to hear that your grandparents are having a hard time, but the gift of your love and time are the very most precious gifts you can give to them ... and ultimately to yourself. You'll be so glad that you've had this time and I know that that they are too ... even if there are in and out a bit.
Enjoy your Key Lime Pie and the laps to swim it off.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Great to hear from you, Im glad you went to see your grandparents, I did the same last November to see my Grandma and as you know she passed away last month. Im glad they are in a safe place and that you get to see them and spend time with them. Lets get together when you get back, my husband leaves in one hour for his deployment and I will be alone for the next seven months

Hi Nancy,
Yes I can see your dealing with alot of stress
It is great you have a pool to jump in to help give you some R&R.
At this minute I am looking up some majong games for my mom to play.
She hasent been able to learn email in 10 years so I am not so sure she is going to be able to do majong but it is worth a try.
As for the keylime pie it is my favorite!!!
Our friend made one about a month ago and I had a sliver it was great but I made him take home the rest because I know if it was in my kitchen it would call my name everytime I saw it.
as far as Zenny and other birds he dosent like them LOL He thinks he is the king rooster here
I told Lee last night that I dont think Zenny thinks he is a bird.
Take care and keep in touch.
If you eat more pie than you should swim an extra long time
Girl... I was wondering what was going on with you... I've been offline for a while (work). Anyway, I know you were saying you felt like you needed to get down to see your Grandparents and I know you're glad you did. Give them lots of love and let them tell those stories, they're sweethearts I'm sure! Stay safe, know I'm thinking about you and stay out of that Keylime pie!!!!!!!!! Have a safe trip home on Thursday!
Nancy -
Enjoy your time with your grandparents and savor that! We all want to give and do all for our loved ones that we can...and you are. Having a safe and nourishing environment is a blessing, they are blessed!
My mouth is watering at the thought of your yummy pie! Eat your pie, damn it ... then swim...LOL!