OT: My heart is aching...long post
I wish I could wrap my arms around you. I wish I could ease the ache in your heart and wipe the tears from your eyes. I wish that there was any way to make this painful transition easier to bear, but you know that the reason it is so very hard is that he is now and always be a part of you. He may not fully recognize it now, but eventually he will recognize and acknowledge the selfless gift you have bestowed upon him as you have released him to allow him to fully engage in a relationship with his father. Your pain and angst are palpable, but only because the depth of your love for him is also palpable. It is that love that will get you through this and it is that love that will have him return to you in his own time. It may be soon, or it may take a while, but one way or another he will return to you. This is a far better thing than if you had disregarded his wishes and desires and not allowed him to go to live with his father. I hope that Michael will astound you. I hope that he will step up to the plate and be the father to Garrett that he so richly deserves. I hope that Michael's wife will be the strong, patient step-parent that Garrett needs. But whatever happens, you know ... as does Garrett that if he falls you will be there. You will always be there. That is what gives him the confidence that he can do this and that it will be okay no matter what happens. He knows without question that you always 'have his back.' While this has got to be wildly painful, be proud that you have raised a child that KNOWS that he is absolutely wanted and loved, by you and his father. Remember that YOU have raised him well.
You have laid the foundation and built the walls that are the basis for the person he is now and the young man he will become. Yes, there is still work to be done ... Yes, you wish you could be there to ensure that it will be done as well as you want and expect it to be done ... But remember that when the foundation is good and the walls are straight, the doors, windows and roof will all come together and work fine.
While your ex-husband has growing up to do and a lot to learn about the day-to-day aspects of parenting, remember that he too loves this young man with all of his being. That he also truly wants what is best for Garrett and will truly try to give him what he needs. Be prepared for him to need help and if you can, provide it because it is Garrett that will benefit ... and Garrett will know.
Please call me if you need and/or want to talk my friend.
With much love,
P.S. Give Morgan a hug! You both probably need it.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I'm sorry you're having to go through so much! You have been the parent your Son needed all along and now he's just seeing the friend side of his Dad, I'm sure he'll realize that he misses you and will want to come home soon. Fun is fun but only for a little while, we all need that security and unconditional love of a parent. I know this is hard on you but you are a strong woman and as you said, you will get through this. We are all here for you and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!!!! Sheryl