Wow moment
When I used to go shopping for my step daughter I used to think people were probably wondering why I was shopping in that section because I couldn't wear those sizes. Today, I went to Belk's on my lunch break and I was looking around the regular size clothes and I thought to myself, everyone is going to wonder why you are in this section, you can't wear these clothes and then it hit me, you can wear these clothes and now people have no reason to think that. It is such a good feeling to be able to look in any section I wish and not just be limited to the plus size women's clothes. It is amazing how we can still feel fat after loosing 100lbs! Have a blessed Day everyone!!
Hi Angie Kaye,
It takes a while, but you will get more and more comfortable in the this new, bigger world we now find ourselves in. Welcome to the wonderful world of the 'misses' departments!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145