random thought about big bites
I was just thinking, I do much better with ground meats rather than solids pieces. I think that's because I can take smaller bites and get it chewed easier. And that got me thinking more, pre-op I would take big bites of food. Why? Because I have a very big overbite and biting off a small piece was very hard. So I would bite/tear the food at the weak point of the item. This then made me eat faster (bigger bites at a time) and make it easier to eat a lot. Obviously it is not the only reason I was severely morbidly obese, but it contributed. I still struggle with large bites from time to time (the surgery was on my stomach, not my teeth!). Any thoughts? Is this somethng you have experienced?
I have always been a very fast eater and new before surgery I may struggle with this.......I do struggle to slowwwwwwwwwwww down and to take much smaller bites......... my only problem that I have had that I struggle with. Following the rules, not eating sugar or anything white a piece of cake.............. the above, uhhhhhh not so easy......... sighhhhhh I am working on it.......