Post-Op advice and a question about gum
Well the time is finally here!
I'm having RNY this Thursday!! I had my pre-op today and I'm ready to go. I'm very excited and nervous. I'm ready to join everyone on the loser's bench.
As I get myself prepared, I would love to hear any advise and/or suggestions from you guys. What should and shouldn't I do? Anything I won't be able to do without at the hospital? Any suggestions for the 1st week clear liquid diet? When should I start getting in my protein and how much? I have mobility issues and will not be able to walk as much as I would like to at first. What exercises would you recommend to speed up recovery? Etc, etc, etc......
Also, I'm curious will I be able to chew sugar free gum post-op? Today at the pre-op the nurse said that sugar free gum can stir up gastric juices, so I just wondered if I could still chew gum or would have to give it up.
Thanks for any and all responses!

Congrats on Thursday being your big day! Excited and nervous pretty much sums up how everyone felt about that time. :)
There are all kinds of posts about what you should take to the hospital and a lot of it varies, but I would recommend some lip gloss (your mouth gets SOOOO dry), a book or magazine, a roomy dress to wear there and home (your belly will be swollen and sore when you leave), and some comfortable, secure, slide-on shoes. Many people bring their own robe too.
1st week clear liquid diet: I used the New Whey bullets to get my protein. Also had a lot of broth, tea, and jello was my best friend. You can even use the bullets in place of some of the water when making jello. You just need to try things slowly and see what you can handle.
As for gum, I was told to steer clear for awhile. I did try some at about 6 months and found I really liked it...just have to be very careful not to swallow it! :) But, I would follow your Dr's recommendations. They make those recommendations for a reason.
Good luck to you!
Congratulations on your surgery! I pray things go well, I am sure they will!
Concerning the gum: I chew it all the time, sugar free of course. Be extremely careful not to swallow. It is not guaranteed to get stuck, but with the small openings in our stomachs, it very well could. It helps me when I am having some oral fixation issues, sometimes you just need to chew something. I would avoid it early post-op though. Give your stomach a few months to heal and definitely follow your doctor's advice.
Take care.