A question (long)
I bought some new sports bras last week.
I figure they are going to be too big very soon but for now they are very comfortable.
My bad with buying clothes but I cant help it sometimes LOL
In the past I could never find a bra that would not dig into my skin.
So my question is should I be brave and wear my sports bra in the early morning while walking the babies without a T shirt?
The sports bra covers my mid drift so no skin is exposed except my angel wings and shoulders.
In the house I wear it with my workout pants and feel very fit in it.
I had Lee take some pics last night but we need to take some other pics with my wig on before I post the pics.
I know I am going to have to have Dr. Hultman give me a lift in the near future.
Other than that I feel on top of the world.
I am now able to do 45 minutes on my treadmill,20 on the elliptical and 20 on the rowing machine.
Each day I workout twice a day and am always switching machines.
One more thing I have uploaded some cadnence MP3's LOL
Hey what ever works.
You should do what makes you comfortable. I actually wore a sleeveless dress and a sleeveless blouse out in public this weekend. I have to admit to being self-concious about it though ... but I wonder if I was anymore self concious than my sister would be and she's never been fat? If you are comfortable, then do it.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Barb,
I tend to be soooo self-concious but I hope that is changing as I am changing.
I heard a great song yesterday on the radio it was an oldie of course called Free Bird it really spoke to my soul because yes I want to be a Free Bird.
I have hidden behind layers and layers of fat and clothes.
Many moons ago when my dad was helping me get dressed for school I ponted at my stomach and told him it looked like a bowl full of jelly.
My dad told me not to worry that one day I would emerge like a beutiful butterfly.
Ok fastforward to almost 50 years old now can it be that I can still emerge into a beutiful butterfly?
I just walk the bulldogs on my street so I feel comfortable on my street.
I might take a deep breath and do it OH My what would my mother say. LOL
You know I think we think more about how old we look with our saggy skin and its apperance than we even thought about how we looked so overweight with are hugh arms, and bodies exposed in the summer. I am forcing myself to to go sleveless to work and to where shorts exposing my wrinkles trying to teach myself to get over it since I did it fat. People don't stare at the wrinkles the way they do with overweight people. As long as I don't look in the mirror close range LOL I am ok.
Beginning weight: 284
Surgery weight: 251
Current weight: 149