One Week Post Op
Well, it is actually one week and five days, but we won't go there right now. The holes from the laproscopy were all healed and look great. Staples came out painlessly. My other incision, however, is truly one week post op as of today. Staples came out easily and painlessly. Dr. B stepped in, looked at everything and examined a "hard" area along the abomen and incision that I indicated was causing me some pain and concern. With the staples now removed, the incision was beginning to burn like fire at the "hard spot". Dr. B asked me to sit up, which I did. At that point he lept across the room, jerked my shirt up and began stuffing paper towels in my abdomen. Yes, the incision had opened half way up and was gushing bloody pus and fluid. The nurse was in shock, but Dr. B was on his A game. He quickly got the drainage stopped and began debriding the area of necrotic tissue and pus. So, I am home again, this time with a partially open incision that we must clean and dress a lot. The good news: I had Creamy Tomato soup for two meals and it was the absolute best tasting stuff in the world. The other good news is that I am off all my oral diabetes meds. I take one 10 unit dose of Lantus each night and sugars stay between 120-137. If nothing else changes, this alone is worth everything.
I'm sorry to hear that you had such an eventful appointment, but I sure am glad that it happened while you were still in the Dr's office.
Congratulations on the reduction in your Diabetes meds. Like you, that is the reason I did this. Being able to wear single digit sizes is just the "Cherry on Top!" Don't get me wrong. I'm delighted that I'm slimmer. The changes in my quality of life are amazing, but the really great news is that my HbA1C went from 9.7 to 5.2!!!! Now, that's what I call success!
Congratulations again!
Wishing you continued success,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145