lap band
I would encourage you to research both options, and try finding people that have had both that you can talk to, in order to make the best decision for you. When I started this process, I was interested in the band, but decided for me, the best decision was the RNY. Maybe you could find a support group in your area that you could go to? I go to the one hosted by Barbara C (on this board too) in Raleigh. There are people that have had different WLS procedures, as well as those that are preop or just looking into their options. Hopefully you'll get some replies from lap-banders with their thoughts, since I know there are plenty of people that have had the RNY on this board. Best of luck in whatever you decide!!!
Hello! Welcome to OH! I've had lapband and it has worked wonderful for me! I agree with the others, the best thing you can do is do all the research you can on both surgeries that you are interested in and make the vest decision for you! You can go to to find out lots of info on the band! Best wishes on your decision!
There are 4! routinely practiced WLS available these days.
They are:
RNY -- Gastric Bypass
AGB -- Adjustable Gastric Banding (2 companies)
VSG -- the "Sleeve"
DS -- Duodenal Switch
I only say this because most people are only aware of the first two choices. Please, do the research and make sure you are making the best decision for you and noone else. If you have specific questions about a specific procedure, it would help us out; otherwise, this thread is more likely to become "my RNY is better than the band because x, y, and z."
Do the research, figure out specific questions, then ask those :-)
I had lapband - worst thing I ever did to be honest. 2 slips, erosion, lack of weight loss - crushing disappointment. I could go on and on. I had revision to RNY in August and to me, there is just no comparison between the two. I think the sleeve or DS are good too. I wouldn't touch a lapband with a 10 foot pole. Nearly broke my heart, along with severely damaging my health. This is my experience only - I can't tell you what to choose - no one else can. All I can say it what my experience was and it was terrible with lapband and very, very good so far with RNY.
Thats the 2 biggest things that I have heard about the Band was the slippage and no weight loss. If I am going to be serious about wanting to loose this weight I want to see results, so I am now leaning towards the Gastric. The only thing my best friend just had it a couple of months and Oh my gosh she was so sick afterwards, throwing up, hurting, and dehydrating 5 times within the first month, in and out of the hospital. Its been 2 months and shes doing OK now, but seeing her makes me want to think twice but i know i cant. Just pray so I will make the right choice, right now I am focused on having Knee surgery in the morning which is a result of my weight not being able to heal torn miniscus on its own.