surgery is paid for!!!
Hi Natalie,
I don't have any experience at all with Charlotte Bariatric Center, but I'm sure someone on the board will. I just wanted to congratulate you on getting approval through Vocational Rehab.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through your knee surgery. My daughter just had major reconstructive knee surgery that involved her thigh and hip ... it was to correct a severe birth defect. She's got an incicision that literally runs from her hip flexor to about 6 inches below the knee. We have another PT appointment tomorrow as she works hard to make the most of the surgery.
Re: resolving issues. You know, I think that we all wish and hope that we'll 'dodge the bullet' and come through this mostly unscathed. That we'll look as though we'd never been obese. It does happen, but people win the lottery too ... that doesn't mean the odds are in our favor, but we all like to dream, don't we? I do have issues and I am working on resolving them. I imagine it will be a process, kind of like the one you go through when you decide to persue the surgery, the one you go through actually chasing it and getting the surgery, the one you go through as you lose the weight. I think that coming to terms with the new me, is just a continuation of the same journey. I guess I thought that I'd be 'done' when I lost the weight, but I'm not. I need to come to terms with who I am now ... the good, bad and ugly. I'm starting to do that and I know that you will too. It's not a bad thing, I think it's just a part of the journey that we are traveling. Some have more or less trouble with different parts of this journey. I hope that you have mostly smooth sailing through as much of it as possible.
Again, good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I wish you an uncomplicated procedure and a smooth, gentle recovery.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145