Stretching the pouch
Help me to understand this...if the malabsorption goes away after 12-18 months why are people still having vitamin deficiencies so far out? Is it just because they still aren't able to eat enough to get all their vitamins in???
Highest/Day of Surgery/Current/My Goal/Dr.'s Goal
Too blessed to be stressed!
Too blessed to be stressed!
A couple of reasons, really.
We'll start with the most obvious: people who are further out get complacent about their vitamins and *stop taking them*. I bet you can guess my feelings on that, right?
As for the malabsorption.. yes, the body does gain back some of the absorption, but not all. The problem is simply that the micronutrients are not as favored by the body as calories (since calories make the body *go*). We do get some absorption of some of those micronutrients back, but not all.
I still have malabsorption.. just not nearly as much as I did in my honeymoon phase. Otherwise, I'd be having a whole lot more trouble losing again than I am. No way before surgery would I be averaging 10-12 lbs lost each month.. some of that is restricted diet and excercise, and some is still malabsorption.
Also, there are some micronutrients that are not well-absorbed even by "normals". Ever been anemic? And hey, you're low on D, too. There are genetic factors at play, as well :-)
Hope this helps!
God Bless you that you are having to go thru this. And some people think this is the easy way out! Right but anyways. As you know Fact is you have to eat to survie and for your body to function properly. Starting with a 3 oz pouch and well under 1000 calories in the beginning is normal and also why we drop so much weight not to mention the absorbution or lack of issue. I don't think anyone can survie under 1000 calories aday a few years out and be healthy. Our bodies need, fuel and exercise. Are pouch stretches some but we are not to stretch it way out which is why we should always measure our know the saying, "my eyes are bigger than my stomach". That can kick back in farther on out so you have to be carefull that we don't start eating alittle more each time than we should and start stretching it, but we have to eat and keep up our protein and vitamins. I remember when I looked at that little 1 oz. plastic measureing cup off the liquid measuring bottle and thought ok this is going to fill me up and it turned out to be how am I going to get that all down. LOL Now it isn't much of an issue, most times.
Beginning weight: 284
Surgery weight: 251
Current weight: 149