Joint pain
My surgery is a week from now, so I've stopped taking my anti-inflamitory medications (Ibuprofen and Ultram ER) per my surgeon's instructions. I'm having some trouble with joint pain and stiffness and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on something I could do or take to relieve it?
I've been riding my recumbent bike and my mobility had been steadily improving but now I'm starting to go backwards because of the pain.
So I welcome any and all suggestions.
I'm hoping WLS will help lessen my joint pain and increase my mobility. (Most pain is in my feet and knees). If you've been in my shoes, I'd love to hear how things have gone for you since your WLS. It would really help if I could know what to expect.
I'm sorry to hear that you are hurting. I'd call your Dr. to see what you might be able to do to manage the pain in the meantime. I have arthritis in my left ankle due to an auto accident where I shattered my left leg and have a bunch of plates and screws in it. I use warm water or hot compresses to help loosen it up. I also use tylenol. It's not the same as nsaids, but it helps. I also have to say that losing the weight has helped a great deal. I don't struggle with it as much as I did before.
Good luck,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I'm so sorry for your pain. I sure know how you feel. I have no cartilige (sp) in either of my knees and I am always in pain. I've not had surgery yet,Its on the 22, and I am anxious to see what my Dr. is going to tell me about my pain meds that I take now. I'll find out on the 11th. I sure hope you get some relief. If I were you I would definitely call my surgeon and gets some questions answered.
Take care, Debbie
on 7/4/08 3:36 am
on 7/4/08 3:36 am
First of all, Hello from a newbie and good luck with your surgery! :)
The hot bath has already been suggested, which is great, as well as hot compresses. Add some epsom salts to the hot bath for extra relief from the magnesium. :)
Don't know if you are able to use some Tiger Balm ointment as well? (My advice is to get one of the regular formulas instead of the "arthritis formulas," based on toxicity.) Badger also has some great natural, non-toxic joint rubs and oils. :)
One of the best natural helps is to choose anti-inflammatory food/drink and avoid inflammatory ones, but since I'm new and unfamiliar with what a person can consume 1-week pre-op, this may not be of help.
I really hope you get some relief very soon! Best wishes!