Patients of Dr. Wade Naziri!!!!
I just have a few questions about Dr. Naziri and some pre-op stuff.
How long after all your pre-op appointments was your appointment with Dr. Naziri?
How many times did you meet with Dr. Naziri before surgery?
Is your initial meeting with Dr. Naziri the same day as your "family history" appointment? The one where you have to take a family member with you to find out about your history.
I've heard he is great, read many great things about him and haven't heard anything bad about him, so i won't ask that question.
The big question: AT WHAT POINT DO THEY "GIVE YOU A DATE". and how long between that first meeting with Dr. Naziri is surgery scheduled usually?
I called the same day of my last preop appointment. I got an appointment with Dr Naziri like 2 weeks later. I did have to take someone with me to this appointment. He is really great, he is kind, understanding and makes you feel very positive. I went in May and they were able to approve my insurance over the phone. He was going to schedule the appointment within 3 weeks (to give me time to do the preop diet) It was so fast, my head was spinning. hahaha, but then I ran into a problem with my ins. But, as for Dr Naziri, it was quick. He is such a great Dr. I wish you lots of luck!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Naziri is GREAT!!! He is going to be doing my RNY next Thurs and honestly, I'm more stressed about things like extra skin in a year from now then I am about the surgery. I have full faith that he and the staff at Nash General hospital will make sure I become a sexy beast! lol
ok... on a more serious note....
I went thru the Havelock office for Southern Surgical and started my process in Nov of 07. I went for the meeting/class and then was pretty much on my own for setting up my appointments for the required tests. GRRRRrrr but anyway...A friend of mine had Dr. Mann as her surgeon so I picked him since she was pleased. Well, I had all of my tests completed by the end of Jan and just needed my Endoscopy. According to the Havelock office, Dr. Mann was booked for months and didn't know when I would get in..... I called weekly from Feb - May when i finally demanded that I get the contact persons name and number that sets the appointments up at Nash. I called them myself and had an appointment with Dr. Naziri the following Tuesday.
When I was on the bed in the endo-room is where I first met Dr. N -- he came in to introduce himself before they knocked me out. He was very polite. I have a terrible gag reflex and was FREAKING out about the procedure, he could tell!!! He asked if I was doing ok and I said I'm pretty stressed.... his response? "Why? Am I THAT ugly?" LMAO!!! That made me laugh and helped a lot!!!
I don't remember much about the endo thank goodness!! lol
Anyway --about a week and a half later ( on a Thursday) I had my first visit with him at his office in Greenville for my pre-op appt with him. ( I had to take someone with me so they would be able to get the info too...) He came in, chit chatted, asked me questions, answered mine and again relieved my worries. The office submitted my paperwork to my insurance by the following Monday and I was approved a week later. I didn't get my surgery date until after the approval was sent to the doctors office and then sent to the hospital and THEN after the hospital approved me....that took another day or two.
I just went for my hospital "pre-op" on Wed of this week, Dr. N wasn't there but the head OR nurse Shannon was and she's great...
I hope that helps you some.... if not-feel free to ask me anything and I'll try my best to help.
Where is your surgery going to be at? Pitt or Nash? Have you finished all of your tests yet?
Good Luck!!
Hi Beth,
Thanks for all the info. I am so excited yet scared to death. I'm going to Pitt, I live about an hour and 10 minutes from there and so far all my pre-op appointments have been in Greenville also. I have 3 more appointments left: psych. eval, nutrition eval. on the 16th of this month and my last appointment the 24th which is my endoscopy. Oh, and i have to get the results of my stress test on the 10th. I'm thinking about calling Southern Surgical to make sure that they have all the test results and 5 yr. weight history just so I don't have any hold ups after the 24th. Did you have to check this info. or did all of your pre-op Dr.'s automatically send the results?
I first started this journey on May 22nd which was my consultation and things have just fallen into place since then. It has all gone so quickly to me.
Good luck to you on Thursday. Keep us updated!!!
(Ra Ra)
I go thru spurts of being excited and scared... just depends on who's around me.. lol
I live just over 2hrs from my hospital and had to travel all over for most of my appointments. I would double check and make sure they have everything - I ended up collecting my info and had to fax it to the Dr. office, the hospital and to my insurance due to miscommunication I guess. Or maybe I am just impatient! lol either way - yes def collect copies of anything that you can and hold on to them in case something comes up missing. About half of the pre-op docs did go ahead and send the info but the Havelock office had a way of loosing things.. I've heard this is not usually the case with the Greenville SS office though..... but it never hurts to be prepared.
Best of luck with everything......
Thanks! and I'm planning to take my laptop to the hospital with me so IF I think about it I might get my sister to post something after the surgery.... lol if not... I have an angel
ready to keep updates coming in!