IUD Question
I had the Paraguard and when it *expired* they took it out and put the new Mirena right back in. The Doctor said they were not using Paraguard anymore and Mirena was the newest one that the Naval Hospital was using. I guess I wouldnt of cared what they stuck up there, I was just praying they would hurry up because Ive never had any children and the whole dilating of the uterus ect thing always almost makes me pass out from the pain!! LOL
I had the Paraguard and when it *expired* they took it out and put the new Mirena right back in. The Doctor said they were not using Paraguard anymore and Mirena was the newest one that the Naval Hospital was using. I guess I wouldnt of cared what they stuck up there, I was just praying they would hurry up because Ive never had any children and the whole dilating of the uterus ect thing always almost makes me pass out from the pain!! LOL
Did your doc tell you you'd have "ALITTLE" cramping like mine did! Than they have this clamp to keep it open while they make sure it is in the right place not to mention that nasty spoon thing they normal use for your pap smears. But did you all have bleeding right afterwards and for how long?
Beginning weight: 284
Surgery weight: 251
Current weight: 149
I had the copper 7 for many years up until right before my RNY my pcp took it out becsuse it was half way in.
I dreaded her removing it because I remember how painful it was when they put it in OUCH.
She said taking it out wont be like it was when they put it in.
Since my surgery I am now in menapause and have not had a regular period for months now.
As far as getting pregnant it would have to be immaculate conception LOL.
The hot flashes suck and the night sweats but I am doing well with taking Black Cohosh.
I would imagine the bleeding should ease off in a few days.
TMI time
this is just my experience
i had the Mirena put in 11/06 ( 6 wks after my son was born). i was still bleeding at the time of insertion. i bled non stop for about 10 months !!!!! i have yet to go a day without a pantyliner.
i hate it
its awful
i still have this gooky discharge. i have an appt with my GYN to get it OUT!!!!
i dont know what ill do for birth control.