Looking into gastric bypass, lap band...what to expect
Welcome to the forum. Paula's response was really on the the money, as were the comments by Pam and Annie. Each procedure has it's pros and cons. It's great to go into this with asking as many questions as possible, so what you are doing is great. You will find that which surgery is best for you will depend on a number of factors. I chose RNY because of it's high diabetes remission rate, the fact that I had more than 100 lbs to lose and I actually 'benefited' from the iron malabsorption because I have hemochromatosis which causes your body to store iron. That's not a problem for me anymore, so I don't have to get regular phlebotomies ... YEAH.
Re: Drs, in the area. You can do a search on OH and it will give you very comprehensive list of Dr's who are in NC. It first lists Dr's who have decided to be 'affiliated' with OH and then those who have not. In addition to Dr. Enoch, there is also a Dr. Moran, the Dr's associated with Duke (Dr's DeMaria, Pryor, Portenier and Torquati ... a new one will be joining them soon). There is also Dr. Timothy Farrell with UNC Chapel Hill. Those are the ones that are in the greater RTP area. As Paula said, there others within an hour's drive in Greenville, Fayetteville, Pinehurst, etc...
I approached my Dr directly. I made my list of reasons I wanted to persue WLS and was pleased at the supportive response I received.
I wish you every success in your journey and again, welcome to the group!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
The new sleeve thing is actually not all that new. It's called the VSG, or vertical sleeve gastronomy (sp). You should also research the DS (duodenal switch).. it's similar to the RNY in that it's a restrictive and malabsorptive procedure, but it allows a larger variety of foods to be considered "healthy" (mostly higher fat items). I don't advocate any one surgery.. but just feel as someone doing research, you should look at all the options.