Yoo Hoo... Charlotte Girls!
I swear i am going to try and make it this month. I have to be in Atlanta on 7/13 and 7/14. I have a wedding on 7/19 and then back to Athens GA on 7/29 and 7/30. If you have it while i am here...i will be there but if not, I will have to wait until August. Wish i had a wide open schedule but August looks pretty clear.
Hey Jen, I am going to the beach too. Leaving this Sunday for Myrtle. My DH did not want to go so it will be My girls plus one of my red heads friends. We will come home on July 2. As far as the meet up I will be free most Saturdays and can make myself free on a Sunday. Hope to make it this time. Just let me know when and where.
Bu is home now from Dubai and we just came home from the beach, going to Las Vegas from 5-10th and have something on the 18th but we want to come if we are available. I really want to make it this time. I would love to host it at my house if anyone is interested in a BBQ
Sandra Mannaravalappil......The Best Darn Chubby Realtor in Charlotte LOL