Attn Duke WLS patients
Give them a call and let them know when you sent the information in and ask them what their timeline looks like. I'm sure they will let you know. I know that they are experiencing some turnover and growing pains, so things might be taking longer than they might otherwise. Either way, I think if you let them know that you'd just like to get an idea of what to expect and generally what their timeframe is, I'm sure they'd be glad to help you.
I had my surgery with them a year ago and my husband just had his first clinic appointment with them today. It took several weeks before we got the new patient packet. One of the reasons for this is that they are know doing a review of the information that you provide in your application and then providing you with a list of tests that they would like to have you have done when you come in for your first clinic appointment. I think that Ben submitted his application in late April and his appoint was just today, so it's about 2 months out and I think that is 'normal' for them. That will work out to your advantage though, because you'll be busy getting all of your tests scheduled through your PCP and gathering the results. When you get your results, it would be a good idea to ask your PCP to not only send them to Duke, but also ask for a copy just in case there is a snafu and someone doesn't get them into your record. That happened to my husband. I've contacted his PCP and I'm picking up a copy of all of his tests. I'll make a copy to keep and give a copy to Duke for his records. Now that Ben has been seen by the Nurse Clinician, the Psych and the Nut, they will have their notes transcribed and put it together with all of the test results that I'll take to them tomorrow. All of that information is put together and given to the insurance specialist; that may take a 1 to 2 weeks. She will review his 'package' to make sure that Ben has everything the insurance might need to make their determination and then she'll submit it for 'approval.' Then, it's sit and wait time. We have United Healthcare and they have up to 14 business days to make a decision and they tend to take their time. If all goes well and he gets approval, then they will schedule surgery after they receive approval ... they are now scheduling for September. If there is a 'hiccup' with the insurance, then we just start going back and forth with them to satisfy there requirements.
I know that the waiting is hard, especially when you have thought and thought about whether to do this or not ... now you've made your decision and it's time to hurry up and wait. My best advice to know that they are doing the best they can, but they are struggling in the office with resources. Also I would ask them what their timelines are for things and what will happen next ... I hope that this helps.
Good luck,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
~Angela Patience + Persistence = POWER!!
Angelette to MajorMom Angel to Blue Rose and MsPPPants
HW/SW/CW/DGW/GW 305/294/145/167/140 -160 pounds total
You can actually do this when you become a patient through DukeWLS as well. They will ask you if you want to provide your email address and they use that to communicate with you and you can set up your account.
Great advice!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145