Update on abdomen pain
Well I still am in pain but I seen my doctor today and he ordered more blood work done. I swear I think they think I must be full of blood! But anyways he is checking my liver enzyme levels with the ones from last week at the ER to see if they have changed. I also was told they want me to have and endoscopy?(where they run a cam down ur throat) on Friday maybe. I think he feels that the pain is coming from a hernia I have due to my gall bladder surgery I had in 2005. It was a horrible ordeal. I was 6 months preggers and the cam didnt turn like it was supposed to do and dug in to my uterus so deep they could see the baby. So they sliced me open to remove my gall bladder the old fashioned way and then cut me across my belly button to sew up my uterus. My over nite stay turned into 5 nites. It wasnt something I like to think about often. But all that happened when I lived in Reidsville. Anyways I have a huge hernia where my gall bladder was and a small one across my belly button. My doc thinks this could be causing the pain and discomfort but he is trying to eliminate other problems before surgery on the hernia because we were trying to wait to remove excess skin at the same time. Oh well! Doesn't look like it will wait that long. So that's as much as I know for now. Thank you all for your well wishes and thoughts and prayers. I have been miserable for 2 weeks now. I sure hope this is all over soon.
429/395/225/184/185 6' height
1st dr appt/surgery/dr goal/current/my goal
I hope it all works out well for you. Hernias can be dangerous if they cut off the circulation to your intestines. I have had many hernia and am in hernia hell right now but at least mine does not hurt. But it is huge and Dr. B wants me to go to Duke to get it fixed. The more weight you can loose the better. I believe that my weight has been half the cause of all my hernias plus being kicked by my horse got it all started after my 2nd c-section. Best of luck to you and I hope your pain lets up soon.
I'm sorry you're having to go through this. It is too bad it's happenning now, because it would be great to be able to get some skin removed for free...but, it's not worth the pain. Hopefully the endoscopy on Friday gives them the info they need and they can do what they need to to make you pain free! We'll be thinking about you!
I so hope they can figure out what is wrong! if it is the hernia, hopefully it can be fixed easily and via lap and not open. Keeping you in my prayers and please keep us updated!
HYJACK: Myrtis, I almost didn't recognize you! I was like, "Who is that?!" Looking good my friend!!!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
I am a patient of Dr. Bauman's and had my surgery 6 months ago. Have done great until last week. I started having a pain in the left side of stomach kind of under rib cage and it hurts all the way around to my side at times. It went away but came back worse yesterday. I had my gb out in 2005 too and have a hernia from it. It has never hurt so I was wating to have a tummy tuck in a few months and have it fixed then. Does this sound like it could be causing the problem?? I have an appointment with him later this week.
Thanks for any info that might help. Sorry to hear about your trouble. I hope you are well soon.
Thanks for any info that might help. Sorry to hear about your trouble. I hope you are well soon.
The pain I was having was from my navel down...it was a constant dull ache.Made me feel sick to my stomach all the time. It turns out I have an ulcer in my small intestine and now I am on meds and it feels somewhat better. My doctor said that if the meds didnt resolve the pain then he was going to fix the hernia but as for right now he believes this ulcer is the culprit. I had some pains on my right side but I wonder if it wasnt coming from me holding myself different or something.I havent had much pain since I went back on a bland diet and I started taking the meds. I hope you find out what is causing your pain. I know that I am very thankful that mine seems to subsided. I want to hold off on hernia surgery as long as I can so insurance will pay to remove some skin.
Good luck at the doc I hope you feel well soon and it is nothing serious.
429/395/225/184/185 6' height
1st dr appt/surgery/dr goal/current/my goal