OT - If I ever...
If I EVER pick up another cigarette, I want someone to go ahead and shoot me!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday and today have been really bad withdrawal days...anxiety attacks, nervous, foggy brained, ulcer acting up horrible days...
I wish there was some way to 'record' how awful I feel so if i'm ever tempted again I could plug myself up to the recording and remind myself of just how bad this is.... Thanks for letting me whine (actually kicking and screaming)...



08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"


I was on the 1mg Chantix twice a day. It upset my stomach something awful and gave me mouth ulcers - not fun. When I stopped the Chantix is when I slipped. I saw my dr. last week and he suggested that i take the .5mg twice a day. Tried that but was still getting really strong cravings. Sooooooo - today I have started taking the .5 mg 4 times a day. That seems to be helping. I think it was just too much of a good thing at one time with the 1mg. That plus the support and encouragement from everyone today, I am feeling much better. Thanks!!!
