Raleigh Get Together this Saturday Was HUGE ...
But it is clear that we are experiencing some growing pains. It was great to see everyone and we had a fabulous turnout this time ? 46 people! AndreaU suggested that we do some protien sampling and several of us brought some things to share. It was well received.
The turnout has been so phenominal that it looks like we are outgrowing Perkins and may have to look about a new venue. I reserved the private rooms that they have at Perkins but there was a miscommunication at the restaurant and they 'gave away' our private room. We need to find a place that will 'reliably' allow us privacy so that we can openly discuss issues, share experiences and have speakers and presentations. Unfortunately, at this meeting we were unable openly discuss issues and share experiences because we were in middle of the restaurant and it was so noisy that it was sometimes hard to hear. I will look to see if we can find a location that will allow us to meet once a month.
At this point, I have been covering the $144.00 a year expense for the cost of the meetup site and I pay for the name tags and other minor expenses, but I can't afford to carry the cost of a meeting facility too. While I'm still trying to find a suitable venue that would not cost, it's proving challenging because we need something that will be available on the same day once a month, handle a group of at least 50 people, have easy access to freeways, parking, restrooms ... food is okay, but not necessary. For most participants so far when I have done surveys it appears that a Sat AM meeting by far outweighs other options. It may be that we will have to pay for a facility and if so, I may have to 'charge' some sort of 'meeting fee' to cover expenses. I need to know how people feel about having to pay for a venue. Are you willing to contribute? If so, what do you think is a fair/reasonable amount to spend/contribute? Will having to contribute cause you to not partipate? If anyone has a suggestion for a meeting site that can accomodate up to 50 people, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for thoughts and support.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Thanks Annie!
I'll be checking with them tomorrow when I go by to see if it looks like it would be okay. I'm thinking of the one in Raleigh on Glenwood since it is pretty easily accessible from 40, 540, 440 and of course 70.
Their website says that they have a private room. I need to see if it will accomodate a group the size of ours and honestly, I don't normally have a 'good' headcount until about a week ahead of the event ... sometimes that can be problematic.
I appreciate your input and look forward to meeting you an an upcoming event.
Thanks again,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I just want you to know that I truly appreciate your support ... in so many ways. I also want you to know that we had 100% of the people that were there yesterday take care of their own checks. It was delightful to not have to subsidize in that manner.
I'm not yet sure the best way to hand contributions ... I need to get a better feel for what we can do for a meeting place ... still working on that.
Thanks again,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Thanks for the idea. We actually have 4 practices in the greater Raleigh area and they all hold their own support groups at their affiliated hospitals.
Thanks again for the idea and the support.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Oh well I am sorry!!!!! If I think of anything else I will post.....you need good support groups one's people feel comfortable about going to and the one you are putting together seems to be doing great and is needed. :-) Hey does anyone live in a neighborhood they could the a clubhouse? Thoese are normally free. :-)
Again good luck!!!!! And keep up the great work!!!!!!
The neighborhood clubhouse idea is a good one and we've thought of it, but haven't been able to make a connection yet. Hopefully, we will soon.
Thanks again for your suggestions. They are appreciated.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145