Post-op Exercise
I am not very mobile. I have knee and joint pain so walking is difficult. I'm supposed to have surgery in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking abou****er aerobics post-op but was curious what type of exercise others with mobility issues were doing and how it was working for you. Thanks
Water aerobics, water walking, etc. is excellent for people of *all* fitness and mobility levels. The water gives better resistance than land walking, yet is very easy on the joints due to the buoyancy of the water.
Def. worth going to if you have the opportunity to do so. Warm water is even better (required for Arthritis Foundation "Arthricise").
Water can be your friend.
When I was 680 and started taking control of getting my life back water is where I started.
Just getting from the car to the pool was exhusting for me but as time went on and pounds started to drop my energy starting getting better and my mobility.
Good luck to you on your journey.