Nut Consult Wednesday...
ok so when i hear all yall talking about a NUT dr , i think a shrink.. is it only me??
ok Donna, you know im seeing Bridgette also. its a class. they say about 57 people are scheduled !! i called to find out how long it lasts because i have to pick my daughter up from her softball game. she said depends on if everyone shows up(on time).. 1-2 hrs :)
oh crap Donna- i got a cancellation call from Eastern Card. my appt is next monday :0 i asked if they had another one for you.. she said not yet but if she does shes calling ya.
*crossing fingers*
I'm happy for you but JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!
I hope you take good notes at the nutrition meeting because with a crowd that size I get easily's an ADD thing. I'm leaving work at 4:45 so I can be there by 5:30.
See you then!!! WHOO HOO another step closer...

Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


Donna and Melissa,
They will give you a packet of information and just go through it, so unless you have questions, most "notes" will be provided for you. Jennifer and Bridgette (I think they both do it) are great. They are really sweet and understand SS's way of doing the WLS preop and post op diet.
Good luck with it and with our upcoming preops. you both will be having surgery before you know it!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
thanks Mindy!!!! thats good to know well after this appt and my echo & stres test next week, i only have the sleep stufy to do - he said it may be for 2 days( which sux because i will have a wait a few more weeks after the first one) im hoping everything will be done by the end of july and maybe ill have approval by mid august and surgery by september long time away :(
When I had my sleep study it was 2 weeks after the first 'sleep over' before I had the one with the CPAP. Melissa, knowing you as I have come to know you, you'll find a way to get this done more quickly! lol I have no doubt. Good Luck.
Oh and Thanks for the info Mindy!!!
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...
