8 months out and new pics posted!
Hey there Melinda,
Your pictures look wonderful!! I to have had some very hard head Hunger times since my surgery like James has. I am tires of drinking my meals but soon I know I will be able to put something in my mouth with consistency. It is my Birthday today and I am feeling kind of down and out because I want something to eat more than I can have and just not being able to be active right now is hard to. But I know it will get better day by day. I am so proud of you and I need to update my advatar on here and put a before picture and my after pictures as I go along.

Hey girl!!!
So glad to see you on here and posting. it will get better once you can start eating some real food. I got James some potted meat today and some thicker soups. I think he'll try that some tomorrow since he'll be 12 days out.
How much have you lost so far? Keep reminding yourself of all that is to come!!!
Love ya!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!