8 months out and new pics posted!

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Hi Melinda,
You look great and I'm so glad to hear that you feel wonderful too. I'm sorry that the RA is still so difficult, but I hope that it gets somewhat better with your continued success. I think that your weight loss is still really significant. When I got to where you are in my journey, I think I was down to about 5 lbs a month. I use www.thinnerself.com and it really helped me because it allowed me to compare my loss pattern to those who match my demographics. It allowed me to see that I was indeed doing well and if I continued, I'd loose to my full potential ... and here I am! Give it a try. I think you will be pleased with the progress it tells you that you have made and are projected to make based on your loss patterns.
Wishing you and James continued success on your respective journey's. I so long for this for Ben and I.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Hi Melinda,
Thanks for asking about Ben. He has his first clincal appointment on June 25th, the day after I have my 1 year check up. Duke gives you a list of the pre-ops that need to be done prior to submission for insurance and he's had all of those done. He has to meet with the nurse practioner, the nutritionist and the psych to have his psych eval. After that's done, then Duke will gather all of their info and as long as they don't want him to have anymore studies done they'll transcribe the notes from the RNP, Nut, and Psych and get the package ready for submission to insurance. Because his primary insurance has a specific exclusion, it's going to have to through the insurance mill twice. Once for the primary to decline due to the specific exclusion and a second round for the secondary to make their determination. I'm assuming the worst and figuring that Ben probably won't be getting an approval until some in late August or early September and then Duke is taking about 6 weeks to get people in once they get them on the books after they've been approved. So I'm thinking he won't have the surgery until sometime this fall. We're just putting one foot in front of the other, but I sure will be glad when we are on the other side of the surgery.
Thanks again for asking about him. I hope that you and James will be able to come up sometime for one of our get togethers, I would love for Ben to have someone to commiserate with and to have another couple who is going through this to talk to as well. Maybe we can arrange to meet sometime.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145