hard week ahead
My mother is going to have a pacemaker put in on Wednesday.
About a month ago she signed papers making me in charge of her health care and to make choices if she is unable too.
I never asked for this position but will do my best to follow through with her wishes.
I kept telling mom to let my sister know she has given me this role.
It has been my sisters role for X number of years but my sister lives in Hickory and I live here close to my mother.
Mother told my sister of the change the other night and my sister hung up on her and refuses to talk about it with my mother or brother.
I will not make this into a power struggle so I am not going to call my sister or email her.
I am going to go ahead and follow through on making arrangments for Wednesday such as getting mother's dog and making sure her nurses know where to go on Wednesday.
On a brighter note Lee and I are going to go get another machine for my little room we are buying Andrea's rowing machine.
Something I have been keeping in my mind about the whole hospital thing is I will be able to walk from point A to point B alot easier than I could have in the past.
In my mind I keep that thought as a personal motivation.
I tell myself I have to be strong physically and emoninally to deal with this so by keeping that in mind I push myself a little harder and farther on my machines.
Yesterday I read in Prevention Magazine about making the scales move they said to increase the incline on your treadmill also I read not to worry if you are not huffing and puffing but to go at a pace that is comfortable for you and you will tend to keep up your workout.
Going to go do my thing I am going to mothers this afternoon her priest is coming by to give her communion and it will be nice to see him because he married Lee and I.
I'm sorry your having to go through this. Just know my thoughts and prayers will be with you this week. I pray that you wont have any decisions to make. I pray that your sister can see past this and see that family is beyond self. I pray that the surgeons hands will be guided.
Congradulations on getting another machine. Your doing so well.
Annie, It sounds like you have the right attitude about this all. I know it will be a tough week for you. Both physically, spending so much time in the hospital, and still trying to take care of yourself, and emotionally. But you're a strong lady and you'll make it through. Just do what you need to do to take care of yourself so that you are able to be there for your mother too. We'll be here if you need to vent!
I'm sorry for your travails and I pray for a safe procedure for your mother. Keep doing those things that you need to do to take care of yourself.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I am sure your Mother's surgery will go well. It's a common procedure so the doctor is bound to have lots of experience. However I can see how nerve wracking waiting for her surgery is bound to be. I will be thinking good thoughts for you and your Mom.
Ann and the 'Bean'
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!