I KNEW I had one...
2 years ago I went though a CAT scan (had to drink that yucky contast stuff) when my PCP thought I may have a hiatal hernia. Well the test came back negative. My dr said it was just my fat pushing against my rib cage. Well, I had my endoscopy done today and I do have a hernia! Never thought I'd be glad to say that! Don't know what it will mean as far as my wls is concerned, but I am glad they found it and now I can get if fixed! They also did a biopsy because i have "mild gastritis".
I still feel a little "loopy" from the endo. All in all everything went well. My mom and I have laughed most of the way home because I told them about 100 times after the drugs started kicking in that I have sleep apena and I need oxygen or a cpap during the procedure.
My PCP told be about 2 weeks ago that anytime I had surgery or any type of procedure where they knocked me out to be sure to let them know I have sleep apnea. Evidently that is ingrained in my little brain because Mom said that's ALL I talked about. LOL I had to be reintibated after my back surgery several years ago because I stopped breathing in the recovery room. That has had me terrified of having surgery again. My PCP told me that was due to my sleep apnea and as long as they put me on CPAP I would be fine.
Dr. Mann also said he was going to recommend RNY because of my diabetes, but that we will talk about that more later and I think he may be right.

Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


I had a hiatal hernia prior to RNY and it didn't affect me at all. In fact, it got much much much better and only recently started acting up again.
If you have diabetes now, I would also suggest either the RNY or DS. If your surgeon doesn't do DS (and not alot do), then RNY is probably your best choice.
BTW -- anytime you wanna walk, at the hospital, at a park, in a neighborhood.. lemme know. I have no problems walking with people to help get them out and about. Especially post-op :-)
Andrea, What a sweet person you are. I will take you up on your offer hopefully in the not too distant future.
I feel better now that I know the hernia probably will not affect my surgery. I didn't know if they would also try to fix that during surgery or not. Guess I'll just have to wait and see. In any case, at least I know that losing weight will help it.
I really think at this point that RNY may be my best choice...
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


Hey girl!
I also have a hernia...umbilical. Most doctors will repair the hernia at the same time they do the RNY (if that's what you're doing.) But mine wants me to wait until I take off a substantial amount of weight before I have mine repaired due to the risk of infection in such fatty skin.
Every doctor has a different strategy. Be sure to address this issue on your next visit.
Good luck,
Hey Donna:
You didn't realize you were going to be the entertainment today..lol! Hey, we get our laughs where we can and you are right these docs brainwash us to remember this stuff. I know there was a 60 min show on how RNY cures diabetes. One lady was taking 8 insulin shots per day prior to surgery and was instantly cured. Here is the link if you want to see it.
Take care and good luck,
I'm generally a riot anyway...today was just extra special...
I watched that 60 minutes piece. Got the url from a post the day I signed up for OH. That is really amazing,,,like an instant miracle!!!
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bend me shape me anyway you want me! (can't remember who sang that and I think I'm really showing my age lol.) Whoo Hoo!

Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...
