Need some help!!
I am still doing real well. I have a question regarding protein. It is not on my list but is egg drop soup which is mainly broth ok. I was just wondering. I think that has some good protein in it. Let me know what you think. Also I have been having a hard time finding the optisource vitamine. I have checked at our Wal-greens several times before and after and they keep selling out. Please let me know where I may be able to find them somewhere else or I might have to order them off line.
Eggdrop soup is generally pretty pouch-friendly and is a decent source of protein. For nutritional information just google eggdrop soup nutritional information.
I have begun using for all my vits mins and protein powders. They have excellent pricing, ship quickly, and only charge $5.95 (or was it 4.95?) shipping for your entire order no matter what the size is! Check them out!
Hope this helps.
Can't help you with the vitamin question, sorry. The egg drop soup was a big hit with me early in the process. It has great flavor and it's made with chicken broth and egg whites, protein galore. The order out soup is usually pretty high in sodium but you can make it at home. Heat chicken broth to a simmer. Mix some egg whites and swirl into the broth while stirring. Yum!