Ab Ultrasound and Cardio Eval
Had my abdominal ultrasound this morning. After all the "take a deep breath" ----" You may now breathe" they didn't tell me anything. Taking that as a no news is good news thing. Went for my cardiac eval @ 1. She found my heart murmur. Growing up Mom always said I had a heart murmur. Whenever I would tell a dr. about it he/she would listen to my heart then give me a crazy look and say "I don't hear a murmur." So I assumed I didn't have one. Now that I have stopped mentioning it every dr. I see says "Did you know you have a heart murmur?" The nurse practitioner today said it could be a number of things causing it... a leaky valve, etc...Go figure... Anyway because of my shortness of breath and my heart murmur I have to go back for and echo and stress test...........not scheduled until JULY 28!!!! Then I will have to go back 2 weeks later for the results. Time keeps on ticking ticking ticking into the future.......do do dodo



