Quick update on our two newest losers!
We made it home on Saturday and all is well. James has had some "rough" spots as we all have, but all in all I think he is right on schedule with his recovery. He's snoozing in the recliner right now although it's time for his meds, so I am going to have to wake him up.
I spoke to Angie (angel3227530) last night and she is HOME and doing well also! She said her back is still bothering her but she is thrilled to be at home. She was being moved to the room next door LITERALLY the moment James was being wheeled out. I thought that was too funny and wished they could have been close for longer. :)
Thanks again for everyone's prayers. They have been answered as it seems they both are doing great for this point out! I hope everyone who had surgery scheduled for today is doing well also and able to get a room quicker than James or Angie did this weekend.
Welcome to the Loser's Bench!

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!