My Grandma is finally at peace
I have been so upset about it but glad it finally happened... I saw Alices post and it reminded me that lives should be celebrated.. my grandma finally went to her final resting place at 12:30 am on June 2nd. She waited till my mom and aunt had left before giving up. Born in May 1925 Anna Maxine Szenasi saw the roaring 20s, the deppression, the wonderful 1950s and had her own dance studio where she taught tap, acrobats and ball room dancing. I am glad that I wrote to her about 10 years ago and got old photos from the 1920s of our family, many of her as a little girl. I am glad I went to see her last November even though it was a hard trip on me, flying to Oregon and back in three days it was totally worth it as I got to see her and visit with her before she got really, really sick. Thanks everyone for letting me share a little piece of my family with you.
As I told Alice I hope there is a special place in heaven for these Marvelous women - they really have made us into the women that we are. The olny thing that either one of my mammies ever did wrong was teach me how to cook. I'd be so much skinner if they hadn't liked desserts.
God Bless.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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314.5 294 208 258.4
Wow, Darcie, your grandma sounded special and she would have been one I would have loved since I am a dance teacher and she was a dancer as well. I am glad that you were able to spend that time with her. I know those are special memories that will be with you for a long time. Thanks for sharing. Lisa